농업의 다원적 기능이란 (What is multifunctionality of agriculture)

2023. 12. 15. 22:50공간농업, 농업공간/Multifunctional agriculture

농업생산 활동에 의한 다원적 기능

2. Multifunctionality of agriculture (MOA)
The concept of Multifunctionality of agriculture A first appeared in the international community at the Rio Conference in 1992. In 1995, the term ‘multifunctionality’ was first used officially during the 50th-anniversary commemoration ministerial meeting of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) held in Quebec, Canada (Kang, 2007). After that, it started to attract the attention of the international community as importing countries emphasized it in the NTCs of agriculture, a logic of protecting national agriculture from exporting countries’ claim to an open agriculture market in the Uruguay Round (UR) negotiation. In 2001, the OECD specified multifunctionality as the numerous benefits in agriculture which may have multiple outputs and accordingly may contribute to the achievement of several societal objectives at once. Applied to the Multifunctionality of agriculture, this approach defines agriculture’s positive externalities, such as environmental goods, jointness and environmental preservation, as an additional form of production.
Table 2.1 presents the WTO’s definition of agriculture’s multifunctionality, founded after the OECD, FAO and UR, and distinguishes the specific content of multifunctionality as a social function, environmental function, economic function, food security function and cultural function. The OECD stated that multifunctionality is agriculture’s economic externalities or NTCs and described it as an additional function to agricultural production. In contrast, the FAO reported that multifunctionality is a more specific agricultural production function, the means of applicable agricultural income generation. Table 2.1 indicates that there are many multifunctionalities companied with agriculture production and these multifunctional functions of agriculture and rural places are inseparable and have a mutual relationship with Multifunctionality of agriculture
Table 2.1 Detailed information on the Multifunctionality of agriculture from the OECD and FAO

Division Group function
OECD Landscape  Species and ecosystem diversity
 Soil quality  Water quality  Air quality
Water use Land conservation  Greenhouse gases Rural viability  Food security
Cultural heritage  Animal welfare
FAO Social function Mitigation of urbanization
Viability of rural communities
Sheltering function
Cultural function  Transmission of cultural heritage, identity, values ​​and tradition
 Offering a beautiful rural landscape
Environmental function  Preventing floods
 Retention of water
 Soil conservation
Food security function Supplying domestic foods
 Meeting national strategic needs
Economic function  Balanced development and growth of communities
Buffer for economic crises

출처 :Jung Hyunhee, 2022, A Valuation Study on Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Multifunctional Agriculture in South Korea: Beyond 6th Industrialization